OpenAM 14.4.2 Released
What’s new
Prevented errors when getting group DN while using multiple Data Stores in Realm
Ability to authenticate without initiating authentication process for any authentication chain, not only default
module to be extended and do additional parsing and validation of the radius response packet (namely Access-Accept packet). The changes are introducing a new protected method ‘readAttributesFromResponsePacket(Packet response)’ that is called after successful authentication against the RADIUS server. The method by default is a no-op. In an extension class the developer can override the method and either read and store attributes or throw an AuthLoginException if login failure should result from additional parsing. -
Updated Apache Santuario XML for java to prevent CVE-2019-12400 security issue
Implemented special filter for KBA(Knowledge based authentication) which ensures that only users with an SSO Token which has Administrator-level access or the owner of the resource are allowed to access the resources protected. [1]
Use request locale for authentication error messages [1]
Added OAuth2 endpoint validation to prevent user redirection to a phishing site [1]
Prevented deleting authentication module instances of the same type. [1]
Fixed error that user remains on ‘Loading’ page if using ‘OAuth2.0/OIDC’ auth module and authId token expires[1]
Fixed error when JWKS endpoint returns extra null byte in modulus
Fixed bad link for OAuth 2.0 in Realm > Applications menu
How to Run After Build
chapter in -
Enabled maven caching while build in Travis CI
Fixed other issues (more details)
1. Thanks to community for these changes